The 7 Experiment Book Club

Tomorrow night we are embarking on a journey together that just might change fact, I think it might change everything.  I am inviting you to join us on this journey. A journey where we will really examine what is enough. Consider this an invitation into a virtual book club. There are no tests or random check-in's, this is for you. Do with it what you will.

Products We Love

Our shift has been a slow, gradual process of not replacing the chemicals as we run out, but instead finding natural, affordable alternatives. Because we used to buy bleach, 409, toilet bowl cleaner, etc. in bulk at Sam's Club, it has taken quite some time to actually run out...hence the reason I say "Natural(ish) Living," we still have a ways to go, but we are learning. During this journey we have discovered three companies we love.

Why I Turned My 401(k) Back On

Did you know that $2,000 invested today with a yearly growth rate of 9% will be worth $62,818 in  40 years? Did you know that $2,000 in 1974 had the same buying power as $9,603 does today?

Electronic Envelopes

We have been using the envelope system for one year. The system has worked incredibly well for us but at the end of the year we re-evaluated and made a few changes.

The Big Announcement

Our very belated Christmas letter with our big news for the year. Enjoy! 

We realize this letter is a bit overdue, we had exciting things happening and had to wait just a bit to share them with you. Zac is starting his dream job, a full-time flight medic he’ll be. Based out of Siren, Wisconsin it is quite the drive but his enthusiasm for flying outweighs any downside. Don’t worry, we’re not moving, we wouldn’t want to enter Packer territory.

To balance out the home front during this time of transition, Caitlin’s company has offered her a new part-time position. We couldn’t be more excited, the role fits her perfectly… she is now coaching people through Financial Peace University! This is the program that has been so instrumental for us this past year. It also the main topic of conversation on Caitlin’s new blog, Hogan’s Haven.

Finn is walking, babbling, and just really loving life. Much to our delight he even sleeps through the night! He enjoys hugging Mika (whom he affectionately calls “puppy”) and 15 months later she seems to be warming up to him nicely. Last but not least Finn has an announcement he is excited to share…he is going to be a big brother later this year! The newest addition is expected at the end of July and no doubt the time is going to fly.

With all our love, we now say goodbye.
— Zac, Caitlin, Finn, Baby Bump and Mika
Family Photo

Photo credit: Guytano Magno Photography

New Year, New Budget

Our ultimate goal of being debt free has not changed. I've been avoiding writing about any of these topics for a few weeks because I didn't want to admit that we aren't following the program exactly... but the fact is, we're not, and I'm not being honest or transparent if I don't share that part with you.

One Year as a "Working" Mom

It has been one year since I went back to work after having our sweet little Finnegan. I have to say, I think Canada and the other countries who offer one-year paid maternity leave really have it right. It wasn't until Finn was one that I really felt fully adjusted to being a mom. It's truly life-altering being in charge of a little human every single day! So since it's my one year anniversary of being back at the office, I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane. 

Starting Fresh Doesn't Have to be Dramatic

I used to make big announcements to my husband when I was going to change something. I think I did it because once I made the announcement I was fully committed, no turning back because someone else was going to hold me accountable if I didn't follow through. After a while it was hard to take me seriously, because the change would last a few days, maybe a week or a month, but eventually I went back to my old ways.